Mark Hingston
Streetworks Consultant,
National Infrastructure
Mobile: 07850713422
Telephone: 03316272372
Web: openreach.co.uk

Damage to the BT network
If you spot any unsafe or damaged equipment which you think belongs to Openreach, it’s important that you tell us about it.
Please check this guide to make sure it’s ours first.
Then complete the online form
Alternatively call us on 0800 023 2023 (option 1 + option 1).
You can report things like:
damaged underground cables (often caused by mechanical diggers in built-up areas)
loose cables or cables dangling from telephone poles
damaged green cabinets or unattended cabinets with open doors
damaged telephone poles (for example if they’re leaning at odd angles, or have fallen down)
loose, cracked or missing manhole covers.
You can also use this number to tell us if you see something unsafe at a site where we’re working.
Utility companies should also follow the same process as above by calling 0800 023 2023 (option 1 + option 1) or using the link above